CALCULATE PATRICK’S BMI, DOES THE FINDING IMPACT HIS DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT?Setting: large urban city family practice clinic which employs physicians and nurse practitioners.
CALCULATE PATRICK’S BMI, DOES THE FINDING IMPACT HIS DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT?Setting: large urban city family practice clinic which employs physicians and nurse practitioners.
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Setting: large urban city family practice clinic which employs physicians and nurse practitioners.
Your next patient is a work in for abdominal pain.
When reviewing the chart you see that this is Patrick Smith, age 42. You met him last month when he brought his mother-in-law in for a sick visit. You remember because you treated him as well for a skin condition.
You enter the room and introduce yourself again to Patrick. He is not the jovial man you met last visit; he appears to be uncomfortable as he reaches forward to shake your outstretched hand.
Patrick says he is in a lot of pain. He thought it would go away but it is lasting and seems to be getting worse. He is also nauseous. He doesn’t think it is anything that he ate and no one at home has had the stomach flu. It is getting worse as he has been sitting in the office. He cannot find a comfortable position to sit.
Woke up at 5 a. m. start
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