Describe the responsibilities of inpatient and outpatient coders within a healthcare organization.

Describe the responsibilities of inpatient and outpatient coders within a healthcare organization.

Todays healthcare organizations know the importance of accurate coding and charge capture, which are essential to the process of revenue management. Health information management professionals may have responsibilities in coding management, in clinical documentation improvement, managing internal auditing and managing external auditing in response to governmental audits. Coding managers understand the essential job functions of their staff and develop productivity and quality standards to maximize efficiency within the department. They recruit and hire staff and also evaluate staff qualifications based on changing workforce needs. Accuracy in charge capture, coding, and clinical documentation is critical to the financial success of the healthcare organization. It takes a team of qualified and knowledgeable professionals to maintain a successful revenue cycle.
A. Analyze the various responsibilities of a coding manager by doing the following:
2. Describe the purpose of a clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program.
3. Explain how you would evaluate the qualifications of potential coding candidates for employment.
4. Explain strategies that focus on staff retention.
B. Explain how the responsibilities of the charge description master (CDM) committee bring coders, billing staff, and CDM staff together to ensure revenue cycle success.

C. Develop strategies for improving both coding accuracy and coding productivity, and explain how a coding manager would use these strategies.
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


smilesmile. .


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