Develop an implementation plan, based upon the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process that supports the organization’s vision for safe, high-quality health care.

Develop an implementation plan, based upon the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process that supports the organization’s vision for safe, high-quality health care.

Develop an implementation plan, based upon the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process that supports the organization’s vision for safe, high-quality health care. The implementation plan focused a home health care technology that addresses the various factors critical to the successful deployment of a new health information technology solution that enables the collection of bio physiological data, such as weight, blood sugar, blood pressure and other relevant variables.

Assess the adequacy of existing information technology (IT) infrastructure in your organization or practice setting.
Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying a new system.
Develop an implementation schedule.
Determine staff training requirements and strategies.
Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.
Develop a post-deployment system evaluation and maintenance strategy.
Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.

Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support your assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.



smilesmile. .


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