Discuss and delineate certain required metrics for the healthcare organization.For this milestone, students will post a draft of the key items listed below. Delineation of key metrics is an essential component of a PI or quality plan.
Discuss and delineate certain required metrics for the healthcare organization.For this milestone, students will post a draft of the key items listed below. Delineation of key metrics is an essential component of a PI or quality plan.
In this milestone, you will discuss and delineate certain required metrics for the healthcare organization. In discussing these metrics, you will learn what quality elements are being measured by them as well as their vital role to the healthcare organization and patient safety and quality. Like all milestones in this course, you will post a draft of this milestone to the group discussion board so that you will have the opportunity to receive peer feedback on your milestone and offer critiques to your class colleagues on their milestone drafts. You will be expected to incorporate the feedback from your peers and from the instructor into your final project. You must use at least two evidence-based sources in this milestone. Correct APA format is required. Prompt: In your draft, be sure to address the following key items: Start defining each of the following metrics, for their use your quality plan, including how they meet accreditation or quality requirements and how their use influences delivery of ethical care in the healthcare organization. A. Core measures included in the quality plan B. Inpatient and outpatient scores (HCAHPS) C. NDNQI included in the quality plan D. Serious reportable events related to the quality plan E. CAUTI, CLABSI, and surgical site infections (infection prevention) F. Reporting of blood usage G. Culture of safety scores
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The post Discuss and delineate certain required metrics for the healthcare organization.For this milestone, students will post a draft of the key items listed below. Delineation of key metrics is an essential component of a PI or quality plan. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.