Discuss how criterion-referenced tests will be used in the Nursing Fundamentals course. One of the essential competencies necessary for the role is the ability to develop relevant curricula for the preparation of future nurses.

Discuss how criterion-referenced tests will be used in the Nursing Fundamentals course. One of the essential competencies necessary for the role is the ability to develop relevant curricula for the preparation of future nurses.

Nursing Education


The role of the nurse educator requires specialized knowledge and skills. One of the essential competencies necessary for the role is the ability to develop relevant curricula for the preparation of future nurses. It is therefore important that nurse educators comprehend and stay well-informed of trends and issues which may impact nursing education.

This task is intended to facilitate your ability to develop competency statements and related learning objectives; select relevant learning assessment and evaluation tools; create learning activities that promote critical thinking and reflective skills; and actively engage and support students with diverse learning needs. As an educator, you are also required to demonstrate effective analytical skills in the evaluation of methods used to determine the achievement of program outcomes. In addition, in this task you write an element of an exam. This will help you comprehend different item types and the process involved when you develop items for course exams. These learning activities assist in building an educational foundation between the classroom setting and the clinical setting.


The nursing faculty at Hartford University have developed a new BSN curriculum and begun the work of designing and developing individual courses. You are a full-time, tenure-track faculty member assigned to develop courses in level one—the first year of the nursing program. Students at this level have completed all prerequisites for the BSN program.

You are asked to develop the Nursing Fundamentals course, the first clinical course students engage in once admitted to the BSN nursing program. According to the results of the nursing program entrance exam, the students who will be taking the Nursing Fundamentals course were found to have an equal distribution of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. The Nursing Fundamentals course will introduce students to nursing care across the lifespan. It will also provide students with the tools necessary to perform basic nursing care in clinical settings and will provide the framework for future clinical courses (e.g., medical/surgical, pediatric, obstetrics/gynecology, mental health, and community nursing specialties).Click here for more on this paper…….
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