Does the presence of these magazines constitute the sexual harassment of Ms. Stanley?Ethically speaking, is Eisenfeld a victim of sexual harassment? If so, then what kind(s) of harassment has he been subjected to?

Does the presence of these magazines constitute the sexual harassment of Ms. Stanley?Ethically speaking, is Eisenfeld a victim of sexual harassment? If so, then what kind(s) of harassment has he been subjected to?

Case 1: “Dairy Mart”

Text: The text of this case is located in the McGraw-Hill Supplementary Volume in the section titled, “Sexual Harassment, Free Speech, or . . . ” (page 27)

Does the presence of these magazines constitute the sexual harassment of Ms. Stanley?

Which fact about this case weakens Ms. Stanley’s claim that she is a victim of sexual harassment? (That is, what fact about this case, if it were changed, would strengthen Ms. Stanley’s claim that she is being harassed?)
Case 2: “Technological Equipment Corporation”
Text: The text of this case is located in the McGraw-Hill Supplementary Volume in the section titled, “Sexual Harassment, Free Speech, or . . . ” (page 30).


Ethically speaking, is Eisenfeld a victim of sexual harassment? If so, then what kind(s) of harassment has he been subjected to?

Compare and contrast this case with the more stereotypical cases in which female employees are subjected to treatment that is similar to that to which Eisenfeld is subjected here.

Case 3: “Without Recourse”

Text: The text of this case is located in the McGraw-Hill Supplementary Volume in the section titled, “Three Short Cases on Sexual Harassment” (page 41).


Is this a case of sexual harassment? Why or why not?

Case 4: “The Risk of Knowledge”
Text: The text of this case is located in the McGraw-Hill Supplementary Volume in the section titled, “Three Short Cases on Sexual Harassment” (page 42).


smilesmile. .


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