Examine Miller’s statement and, based on your research, identify which model it reflects and the implications for the assessment process. (See attached for addiction models)

Examine Miller’s statement and, based on your research, identify which model it reflects and the implications for the assessment process. (See attached for addiction models)

Several models are prominent in the field of addictions; these models include the medical model, moral model, and the biopsychosocial model. A particular model advocated by an addictions professional will influence the professional’s choices of assessment methods and treatment of addiction.

To prepare:

Consider the following definition of addiction by Michael Miller, M.D., former president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine: “At its core, addiction is not just a social problem or a moral problem or a criminal problem. It is a brain problem whose behaviors manifest in all these others areas…The disease is about brains, not drugs. It is about underlying neurology, not outward actions” (Addiction Treatment Magazine, 2011).
Assignment Directions:

Review the article, “New Definition of Addiction Causing Controversy Among Doctors.” (See Reference)
Research two articles that support or refute this position.
Examine Miller’s statement and, based on your research, identify which model it reflects and the implications for the assessment process. (See attached for addiction models)
Submit by Day 7 a 3- to 4-page paper (Not including title or ref. pg.) that includes the following:

A brief description of the articles you chose and an explanation of their significance to Miller’s definition
An explanation of the model reflected in Miller’s statement and its implications for the assessment process
An explanation of the controversy that exists between models of addiction and their effects on assessment
An explanation of the relationship between the models of addiction and assessment processes
Cite your sources using APA guidelines including citing within paper).


Addiction Treatment Magazine. (2011). New definition of addiction causing controversy among doctors. Retrieved from http://www.addictiontreatmentmagazine.com/addiction/ne



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