Explain how personal and cultural views on plagiarism might present challenges.Whether or not an act of plagiarism is intentional or accidental, it can be a serious threat to a student’s academic integrity.
Explain how personal and cultural views on plagiarism might present challenges.Whether or not an act of plagiarism is intentional or accidental, it can be a serious threat to a student’s academic integrity.
500 words
Explain how you tell a story or paraphrase in your own words and keep its meaning.
Explain how personal and cultural views on plagiarism might present challenges.
Identify and explain any evidence of plagiarism and/or paraphrasing that is found in the student passages provided.
Explain at least two strategies you might use to revise the student passages and avoid plagiarism.
Assignment: Plagiarism and Paraphrasing
Whether or not an act of plagiarism is intentional or accidental, it can be a serious threat to a student’s academic integrity. To avoid plagiarism in your scholarly writing, it is important to recognize what it might look like and learn how to use paraphrasing instead. By paraphrasing and correctly citing the original author for his or her ideas, you are able to take the ideas of others, summarize them, and incorporate them into your own thinking.
For this Assignment, read the passages provided and compare the original passages to the student writing samples.
Example 1:
Passage 1:
Reference: Crossen, C. (1994). Tainted truth: The manipulation of fact in America. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Doctors, whose first allegiance is supposed to be to their patients, have traditionally stood between drug company researchers and trusting consumers. Yet unless there is evidence of misconduct (the deliberate misrepresentation of something as fact by someone who knows it is not), it is very difficult to discover and virtually impossible to prove that a piece of biomedical research has been tainted by conflict of interest. No study is perfect, and problems arise in the labs of even the most conscientious and honest researchers. Although biomedical research incorporates rigorous scientific rules and is often critically scrutinized by peers, the information can nevertheless be warped—by ending a study because the results are disappointing; changing rules mid-study; not trying to publish negative results; publicizing preliminary results even with final and less positive results in hand; skimming over or even not acknowledging drawbacks; and, especially, casting the results in the best light or, as scientists say, buffing them.
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