Identify the current journals, databases, or other sources you have chosen to serve as the basis of your paper.

Identify the current journals, databases, or other sources you have chosen to serve as the basis of your paper.

This milestone assignment focuses on the literature review portion of the issue paper. The issue paper is the final written assignment for this course. In any scholarly endeavor, clinical investigation, professional practice matter, or exploration of a scholarly topic, it is vital that you use the literature to explore what has been written about a particular topic or clinical issue. Thus, literature review is one of the first activities once you have chosen your issue topic. All sources must be evidence-based, and use of correct APA format is essential. Feedback provided by your course instructor in this and all upcoming milestones is to be incorporated into the final paper.
Prompt: For this milestone assignment, you will submit a presentation that includes the highlights of your literature review. The literature review provides the evidence basis for the topic that you have chosen for the issue paper assignment, which will be submitted near the completion of the course. By doing a brief presentation for this milestone, you will be able to more clearly articulate and summarize the most important or salient points of the literature review.
At least three evidence-based, current references are to be included in the literature review. In your presentation, be sure to address the following items:
1. Identify the current journals, databases, or other sources you have chosen to serve as the basis of your paper.
2. Justify why you feel the sources you have chosen are the most appropriate ones for your issue.
3. Discuss how you selected the research material from those sources that most appropriately address your issue.
4. Summarize the information you have collected from your research with regard to your issue. In other words, read your chosen articles and summarize what the authors are saying. Be sure to use proper APA format for your citations.


smilesmile. .


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