Informational Interview

The informational interview will assist you greatly in determining if the career direction you have identified is a good match for you. Identify a company and an individual that you would like to interview to find out more about the occupation and/or field. Getting someone to take the time to speak with you will be your greatest challenge. Once you have a commitment from someone, use your time wisely to get as much information as you can. Set goals as to what you need to do in order to complete this assignment in a timely fashion.


Develop a script to introduce yourself and to request an interview. Practice the introduction of yourself to a friend or classmate.

Keep a detailed journal documenting the process as it occurred: describe how you decided who to interview and your efforts to obtain an informational interview commitment. Express your feelings about this assignment as it progresses or digresses.

Prepare as many of your interview questions as possible in advance and include them with this assignment. Once in the interview, do not limit questioning to the prepared list; rather, take your leads from the answers you receive and follow the train of thought through.

Following the interview, prepare a narrative that critiques the interview. Answer the following questions:

Did you arrive on time?

Did you pronounce the person’s name correctly?

Did you stick to your time frame?

How effective were you?

Who controlled the interview?

What type of person did you interview? Talkative, closed, hurried, etc.?

How long was the interview?

Did you get all the information you wanted?

What was your composure? Jittery, relaxed, monosyllabic, etc.?

What did you learn about the job?

Did you leave the interview with a name to network and further your research?

Are you still interested in this job after getting this information?

The questions above are intended to be a guide ONLY, please elaborate!!!

The completed project should contain the journal, interview questions and answers, critique. Be sure to send your interviewee a thank you note.


The occupation i chose is Accounting and i need to take an interview of a C.P.A( certified public accountant)

please see the attached document.

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