My study is to know the relationship between the risk factors and coronary artery by pass graft ) in deferent places that I mention in the titles in the tables ( demographic data preoperative factors intra operative factors and post operative factors) I want to write in details with this relationship with inline to my writing and against as I mentioned . Explain and write each point in each table one by one

My study is to know the relationship between the risk factors and coronary artery by pass graft ) in deferent places that I mention in the titles in the tables ( demographic data preoperative factors intra operative factors and post operative factors) I want to write in details with this relationship with inline to my writing and against as I mentioned .
Explain and write each point in each table one by one

nursing evaluation of risk factors with cronary artery by pass graft patients at king abdulaziz univesrity hospital
Order Description
look at to my uploaded file it is my data analysis in tables
Introduction ( what is the discussion in general)?
I want updated references (start from 2013 )
I want to explain each point in each table in details and one by one e.g the hypertension I want to tell me the evidence corresponding and against to my writing in each point in the table with updated reference start 2013 ( this is very necessary )
My study is to know the relationship between the risk factors and coronary artery by pass graft ) in deferent places that I mention in the titles in the tables ( demographic data preoperative factors intra operative factors and post operative factors) I want to write in details with this relationship with inline to my writing and against as I mentioned .
Explain and write each point in each table one by one


smilesmile. .


The post My study is to know the relationship between the risk factors and coronary artery by pass graft ) in deferent places that I mention in the titles in the tables ( demographic data preoperative factors intra operative factors and post operative factors) I want to write in details with this relationship with inline to my writing and against as I mentioned . Explain and write each point in each table one by one appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

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