Nursing  Discussion post 2

Week 2: Ways of Knowing in NursingNurses have sought to understand the art and science of nursing since the time of Florence Nightingale.Six fundamental waysof knowing underpin nursing science. These ways of knowing include: (a) personal, (b) empirical, (c) ethical, (d) aesthetics, (e) emancipatory, and (f) unknowing. Consider how these ways of knowing contribute to knowledge development by addressing the following.1. Whichtwo waysof knowing havehad the most influenceon your understanding of nursing science?2. Whichtwo ways of knowinghave younotconsidered previouslyand how will these ways of knowing shape your future nursing practice?3. Providean exampleof hownursing scienceencompassed the six ways of knowing to bridge a gap to improve a healthcare outcome.Please review the Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric  (Links to an external site.) for complete discussion requirements.The student post provides support from a minimum of at leastthree (3) sourceswhich may include assigned readings, or weekly module content, or outside scholarly sources. Thescholarly sourcewhen used is:1)evidence-based,2)scholarlyinnature,3)publishedwithinthelast5years, and 4) an in-textcitation.The student initial response to the graded discussion must includeat least 3 sources. Responses to peer and/or faculty, citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

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