powerpoint lab project
Presentation Task:For presentation, please create 5 different slides with different layouts.
- Change the theme variant used in the presentation to the second (blue) variant.
- On Slide 1, add a title. Adjust the Character Spacing to Very Loose.
- Add the subtitle.
- On Slide 1, insert WordArt in the Fill – White, Outline – Accent 1, Glow – Accent 1 style.
- Insert a new Slide 2 with the Two Content layout. Add a title.
- On Slide 2, in the left content placeholder, add a photo.
- On Slide 2, in the right content placeholder, add a two-level bulleted list.
- Increase the Line Spacing for the bulleted list to 1.5.
- Insert a new Slide 3 with the Two Content layout. Add a title.
- On Slide 3, in the left content placeholder, add SmartArt with the Vertical Box List layout. In the top shape, type some text. Add a Bullet with the text, in the first blank shape between the blue filled shapes. Delete all other SmartArt shapes, if any.
- On Slide 3, in the right content placeholder insert a Clip Art. Change the height of the image to 3.2″.
- Insert a new Slide 4 with the Title and Content layout. Add a title.
- On Slide 4, in the content placeholder, insert a Table with 2 columns and 2 rows. Type some text in each of the cells.
- On Slide 4, change the Table Style Options so that Header Row is not selected and then change the Table Style to Themed Style 2 – Accent 1. Add a Circle Cell Bevel to the table. Increase the table Height to 3.5″ and then Center the text Vertically and Horizontally. Increase the Font Size to 24.
- Insert a new Slide 5 with the Title and Content layout. Add a title.
16On Slide 5, in the content placeholder, insert a Pie Chart.Add Chart Style 12 to the pie chart.
- Add a slide Transition and adjust the Effect Options to Left. Apply the transition to all slides.
- Add a footer to the Notes and Handouts pages with date and time to update automatically, page number, and text.
After you complete your slides, save the presentation with a correct presentation extension (no other extension such as pdf, etc. accepted).