Professional journal about teaching evidence-based practice, preferably a research article on any subject related to healthcare (not restricted to nursing).
Professional journal about teaching evidence-based practice, preferably a research article on any subject related to healthcare (not restricted to nursing).
Directions: Search an online database for an article from a professional journal about teaching evidence-based practice, preferably a research article on any subject related to healthcare (not restricted to nursing). Make sure it contains strategies or methods for TEACHING (like described in the assigned chapters). Select one from these two categories:
academic settings (colleges and universities); or clinical settings (hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, etc). You may have the same article as someone else, but you should both post your own discussion original thread. The topic does NOT need to be related to your EBP subject, although it is OK if it does.
Suggested databases:
Health and Medicine: CINAHL Education: ERIC Nursing Full text: OVID Go to FSCJ Library/Learning Commons, (link opens in new window) choose “Search Library Materials at FSCJ” and select “Databases by Subject,” “Health and Medicine,” then select CINAHL, ERIC, or Nursing Full text OVID.
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