research paper 627
I choose Pokémon as a subject for my research paper. please try to find adaptations for this subject. If you think the subject not worthy and hard to find the sources please let me know.
Below the whole paper research guideline and information
The prospectus is meant to describe and explain the significant sections or features of your research paper. As such, it should function as a roadmap for the process of writing your paper. It is also important to remember, however, that the prospectus is a provisional document that may be amended or revised as the need arises throughout the writing process.
The research prospectus should include the following sections with distinct headers:
- Title: As always, a provisional title should offer some indication of the paper’s content.
- Topic: This section should introduce the story/text/object you have chosen to research.
- Significance: Just as the research proposal required you to explain the importance of the topic, this section of the prospectus should detail the stakes of your project and explain why this particular topic is worthy of investigation. In other words, so what?
- Primary Texts: This section should provide the primary texts/films/works that will be the primary objects of your investigation (this sections should, of course, include the original version of your topic). You should also explain why you have chosen these particular texts/films.
- Background: This section should offer a brief history of the topic. It should also provide a summary of the critical discussion that already surrounds the topic and to which your own research paper will contribute. In other words, what sorts of things do “They Say” about your topic?
- Research Plan: This section should indicate what types of research the topic requires. What are the guiding questions that will determine the research process? What questions will you need to answer with your research? What types of information does the topic require and where do you plan to locate this information?
The prospectus should be written as an essay according to MLA format and with headers dividing each element/section of the work. It may help to think of the prospectus as a more detailed version of the research proposal that you have already submitted. The proposal should provide approximately 1/3 to 1/2 a page for each section (about 3 pages). Some sections will be shorter than a half page while others will need to be longer, but 3-4 pages should provide sufficient information to begin the research and writing process.