what is the knowledge generated in the discipline of business English homework help

Part 1. First of all you have to answer the following questions what is the knowledge generated in the discipline of business? What “subjects” (see above) define the fields of business? What questions are central to the discipline of business? What research methods are used in the discplines associated with business? What kinds of evidence are accepted in the disciplines of business?

Part 2. Next you have to consider how this knowledge has been applied to address global challenges. To do this, you have to have a sense of the discipline of business, the fields associated with business, and the subjects covered by business, and then to consider how these specific areas have been put to work in addressing the world’s greatest challenges. This also means you have to have a sense of the world’s greatest challenges.

After you’ve done this thinking you will be in a position to answer the central question above with depth, complexity, and specificty-which is how you’re going to be evaluated on this paper. Here’s the question again: in what ways and to what degree does the knowledge generated in the discipline of business contribute to creating meaningful change and to solving the world’s greatest problems.

If you don’t do the work of parts 1 and 2 above you will not be in position to answer the question in a complete way. Put another way, you’ll have to address parts 1 and 2 above in order to answer this question adequately.

So, I want you to approach this task in stages. First, I want you to answer the questions in part 1 by researching the websites of 4 business schools Think of the major universities in the world, Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Oxford etc… Go visit the websites of their business schools and review the programs and faculty in detail. What programs are included? Think broadly about these programs and how they relate to academic journals and professional organizations. Think also about your book (especially, what questions does it answer, what evidence does it provide to back up its claims, and ultimately how is that knowledge applied in the world as represnted in the content of the book). Then you will review four academic journals in business and find two professional organizations related to business.

QUESTION) so here it is: Premise: Creating meaningful change is hard work. So, that’s the topic making change in the world.

The central question I want you to answer with this paper is in what ways and to what degree does the knowledge generated in the discipline of business contribute to creating meaningful change and to solving the world’s greatest problems?

So backward engineer your approach here. Who is solving one of the world’s great problems? How are they doing it? What’s your evidence for the above?

When you are looking at how they are doing it? So, you’d have to probably think about the problem, it’s scope, its causes, and the harms it creates, how does knowledge contribute to the solution? What kinds of knowledge are most important? How does this knowledge or different kinds of knowledge more accurately contribute to the solution. So, you have to think about the application of knowledge to a problem. Now, consider what of this knowledge comes from the discipline of business, say organizational leadership (Drucker), knowledge of marketing, finance, accounting, culture, or related fields. What kinds of professionals are working on the team? If you write from this perspective and integrate the sources from our books and readings (say the Strategic Execution Framework you should be able to come up with a well reasoned answer to the central question with a lot examples and specifics.

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