Nursing  Submit 2-page reflection paper on the course objectives selected for the service learning experience. Use level one headings from the reflection rubric to write paper. Include in the paper the thoughts and reactions of the presenters and the audience.

MUST INCLUDE THESE HEADINGSRelevant and meaningful service within the communityEnhanced academic learningpurposeful civic learningpurposeful reflectionsTitle:___Prevention of Elder Abuse in Long Term Care FacilitiesYour Learners (Audience):This ASL Project will be presented to Certified Nurse’s Aides and Licensed Practical Nurses working at St. John’s Nursing Center.Brief Overview of the Project:This presentation will define elder abuse, discuss the incidence of elder abuse, provide examples of elder abuse, provide strategies to prevent elder abuse and present information on consequences of elder abuse.Why the Community (Your Learners) Need this ASL Project:Elder Abuse prevention is an in-service which is required by the State of Florida for all staff working in the long-term care setting. It is important that health care staff receive refresher in-services on elder abuse throughout the year; especially considering the high stress environment the COVID-19 pandemic has created for residents and staff working in long term care.ASL Project Objectives: Objectives describe the expected change in your learner’s behavior— knowledge, (cognitive), attitudes, (affective), and psychomotor skills. In some courses, you may use the Course Objectives to formulate your ASL Project Objectives. Please see Attachment 2, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Formulating Teaching Objectives, for an overview on formulating teaching objectives).6.8 Define and describe the several types of elder abuse.6.7 Explain the importance of legal and ethical issues in dealing with elderly persons at risk of abuse or who are experiencing abuse.

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