Conifer and Flowering Plant Life Histories Discuss the life histories of a pine (Coniferophyta) and a flowering plant (Anthophyta). Include in your discussion: a. the sequence of stages in the life histories of each and their reproductive structures

Conifer and Flowering Plant Life Histories Discuss the life histories of a pine (Coniferophyta) and a flowering plant (Anthophyta). Include in your discussion: a. the sequence of stages in the life histories of each and their reproductive structures

Question 1: Conifer and Flowering Plant Life Histories Discuss the life histories of a pine (Coniferophyta) and a flowering plant (Anthophyta). Include in your discussion: a. the sequence of stages in the life histories of each and their reproductive structures
b. definitions of seeds and fruits including the structures of each
c. factors that may have influenced the distribution and success of these seed-bearing plants (Hint: plant structure and
form, mechanisms of water conservation and distribution, pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms, including
coevolution of the animal groups often involved in these mechanisms, should be prominent features of your
answer)Question 2: Invertebrate Animal Life Histories Describe the life histories of animals with indirect and direct development. Include in your answer: a. a comparison of the life histories of two freshwater invertebrates: the Cool Weather Mosquito (Culiseta incidens) and the Giant
Water Bug (Abedus indentatus) b. a comparison of two marine invertebrates: the Iridescent Phyllodoce (Phyllodoce multipapillata) and the Market Squid (Loligo
c. definitions of r-strategies and k-strategies of reproduction and the advantages of each under different conditions d. a description of the life history (“life cycle”) of trematode parasites of the estuary with emphasis on those aspects that increase the
probability of their completion despite the complexity of their life histories Question 3. Sexual Reproduction Define sex. What differentiates asexual reproduction from sexual reproduction? Include in your answer:
a. a description of the various types of asexual and sexual reproduction and under what circumstances each is more beneficial than the
b. the benefits of sexual reproduction to populations and evolution
c. explanations of the various “costs of sex”Question 4. Divergences from Stem Reptiles: Dinosaurs, Birds and Mammals Describe the sequence of divergence of dinosaurs, birds and mammals from their nearest reptilian ancestors and their adaptations for “warmbloodedness”
(endothermic homeothermy). Include in your answer:
a. a description of reptilian radiation and the origins of dinosaurs, birds and mammal and the timing of these divergences b. support the contention that birds are not simply derived from dinosaurs, but are dinosaurs c. definitions of ectothermic poikilothermy and endothermic homeothermy d. the many physical fossils that provide evidence of the evolution of “warm-bloodedness” in dinosaurs and mammals and the reason
that each piece of evidence demonstrates an evolution toward endothermic homeothermy in the two independent groups.Notes: Although there is a minimum word count 3500 words for this exam, you will find that it is likely going to require more than the
minimum to fully answer the question. You may not copy or quote from any source. All information must be re-written in your own words.
Answer all question.You must have a References section with at least five references which you have used in preparing your answers: the
course website, the textbook, and at least three additional sources.


smilesmile. .


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