Research information on high-performance organizations and provide 5 strategic methods that could be used to improve employee productivity.

Research information on high-performance organizations and provide 5 strategic methods that could be used to improve employee productivity.

Research information on high-performance organizations and provide 5 strategic methods that could be used to improve employee productivity in the healthcare organization, impacting quality.

A strategic goal of any healthcare organization is the quality performance of the employees. The Institute of Medicine (1998) created the most accepted definition of quality in the healthcare industry: patient services current with scientific knowledge that result in a desired health outcome. Research information on high-performance organizations and provide 5 strategic methods that could be used to improve employee productivity in the healthcare organization, impacting quality. Must be 900 words and include 4 other journals in addition to citing this article above. APA FORMAT with Reference page and INTEXT CITATIONS. DUE 5/12/2017 at 3:15pm Central Daylight TIME


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